Amanda Gray
Board Secretary

Amanda G. Gray is the Superintendent of Wastewater Administration (WWA) for the Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSD), where she has oversight of four sections, including Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, the Small Business Enterprise Program, and training. The WWA Division is responsible for delivering business services in support of MSD’s customers, employees, and vendors.

Prior to joining MSD in 2016, Amanda held the position of Economic Inclusion Coordinator at Messer Construction Co., where she was integral in helping the company to achieve its supplier diversity, workforce diversity and community engagement goals. Amanda also previously served as manager of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky African American Chamber of Commerce Small Business Program and served on the chamber’s Fund Development Committee. Prior to the Chamber, Amanda worked at the Community Police Partnering Center (CPPC), an organization established out of Cincinnati’s historic Collaborative Agreement.

Amanda holds a Bachelor of Arts in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs and Black World Studies from Miami University where she was a scholarship recipient. She also completed the Public Sector Leadership Certificate Program at Xavier University in 2023, is a 2018 graduate of the National Forum for Blacks in Public Administrators (NFBPA) Executive Leadership Institute, and a 2017 graduate of the MSD Supervisory Leadership Program.

A passionate community leader, Amanda has volunteered her time with organizations and initiatives committed to youth engagement and public safety. Amanda has served as a volunteer for Girls!CAN, the Cincinnati Initiative to Reduce Violence (CIRV), the Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, the Cincinnati Police Department, Boys Hope Girls Hope of Cincinnati, and BeYOUtiful. She served as a member of the Elementz Hip Hop Youth Arts Center board and the Cincinnati Police Department Police Chief’s Advisory Board.

In addition to youth engagement and public safety, Amanda’s passions also extend to inclusion and advocacy for diverse businesses. She previously served on the Ohio River Valley Women’s Business Council (ORV-WBC) Certification Committee and was appointed by the Cincinnati City Manager to serve as Chair of the City’s Contract Compliance Advisory Board (CCAB) and MBE/WBE Certification Advisory Board. She also previously served as a representative on the City of Newport, KY Five-Year Comprehensive Plan development team.

In 2020, Amanda was the recipient of the MSD Employee of the Year Award for the Wastewater Administration Division.