Alisha Stevenson
Co-Founder and Program Director

Despite appearing healthy and experiencing no usual symptoms, Alisha was diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer in July 2016. Her only clue was a small amount of blood in her stool, which could have easily been overlooked or attributed to something else. Alisha shares this detail, hoping it will save someone. 

Alisha holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati and an Associate in Business Management from Eastern Gateway Community College. She is also a practicing, nationally board-certified master's health coach. After 13 years of service, she retired from the City of Cincinnati Police Department in February 2018. Alisha aims for equity and wellness before the stressors associated with racism, discrimination, and broken systems lead to life-threatening diseases that all too often begin in adolescents.  Alisha has a passion for service and compassionate heart for children and women.