What is The Junior Melanin Collective?

The Junior Melanin Collective (JMC) is a dynamic and innovative organization that has emerged as a result of the merging of two successful youth programs, Evanston GEMS (2008) and Youth Leaders of Cincinnati (2012). The founders of Junior Melanin recognized the urgent need for additional support services for teenagers in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has had a significant impact on the mental and physical health of high school aged women of color.

Who can join The Junior Melanin Collective?

The Junior Melanin Collective is a group of youth members and adult mentors who desire personal development, positive relationships, and exploration of self and adventure. We welcome young African American women in grades 9-12. 

How to join The Junior Melanin Collective?

To join The Collective as a member or mentor simply call/text us at 513.616.2272 or email jrmelanin@gmail.com or click the application link on the home page.

Why focus on Social Determinants of Heath?

The Social Determinants of Health are based on social, personal, environmental, and economic factors that influence health status.  Many components impact our health such as genetics, where we live,  education, income, genetics, relationship with family and friends.
The Junior Melanin Collective's goal is to positively impact the social determinants of health for our members.  

Is there a cost to become a member?

There is a non refundable $25 application fee and an annual fee of $100.00 due at the time of application. Payment plans are available as needed.